She, Her
Jami Cantrell is a nationally published wildlife and nature photographer who also specializes in wedding and birth photography. With sensitivity and artistry, she captures the beauty of the natural world and the intimate moments of life.
Most likely to swim with whales
The southern resident killer whales, with only 73 left, are critically endangered. To ethically view them, land-based observation is crucial. Despite laws, many boats and kayakers invade their space, posing a threat. Visit for more information.
Short-eared owls draw crowds annually in Skagit County, and have declined 65% since 1970 due to habitat loss. Classified as a "Species of Greatest Conservation Need" in Washington, their survival depends on habitat preservation and minimizing human disturbances.
We often overlook our impact on wildlife. Each year, photographers flock to the San Juan Islands to photograph fox kits, but some get too close, endangering them. Additionally, locals feeding them leads to tragic accidents. Preserve wildlife; keep them wild.